ANARA is a research network and registry. Our network is wide and inclusive. All ART centres in all African countries are invited to belong to ANARA. ANARA is led by a network and registry Director and administered by a small operational team. Data Directors are nominated by countries and sub-regions to facilitate data collection and other network activities. International and regional affiliations with other reproductive networks and with registries n other world regions ensure high level input and wide cooperation. This structure facilitates reach, representation, and international connectivity while maintaining core consistency and protection of data integrity.

ANARA is in South-South cooperation with the Registro Latinoamericano de Reproducción Asistida (RLA, the Latin American Registry of Assisted Reproduction) and together with RLA in Triangular cooperation with the International Committee for Monitoring ART (ICMART), a non-state actor in official relations with the World Health Organization.

ANARA Operational team 

Prof Silke Dyer

ANARA Director

Dr Paversan Archary

Clinical Data Manager

Ms Liezel Potgieter

Laboratory Data Assistant


Ms Kaeleigh Elliott

ANARA Administrator

Data Directors - Regional and National

Francophone West Africa/ GIERAF countries 

Dr Bell Bea Gwet


Prof Eman Elgindy


Dr Rudolph Kantum Adageba


Dr Faye Iketubosin

South Africa

Dr Paversan Archary

Regional and International Affiliates

Prof Gamal Serour

President: African Federation of Fertility Society (AFFS)

Prof Founzégué Amadou Coulibaly

President: Groupe Interafricain d’Etude, de Recherche et d’Application sur la Fertilité.

Dr Ibrahim Wada
Special Advisor: International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology (ICMART)
Dr Fernando Zegers-Hochschild

Director: Registro Latinoamericano de Reproducción Asistida (RLA). Vice-Chair: International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology (ICMART)

Dr David Adamson

Chair: International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology (ICMART)