Course purpose:

To grow course participants’ competence, confidence, and enjoyment in generating and engaging with scientific ART registry data.

Who should attend?

Embryologists, biologists, nurses, data managers and clinicians who submit data to the African Registry for ART or supervise their Centre’s data submission.

Registration and course capacity

Registration is free. Numbers are limited to 15 participants to provide individual attention and facilitate networking between learners. Participants will register temporarily with the eLearning platform of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town.

Course Structure

Duration: Two weeks.

Course activities: 4 days/week; approximately 1.5hrs/day.

Level: Entry level.

Course activities are asynchronous (learners can do them in their own time) with two synchronous meetings.

Daily activities are structured into

i. short, didactic learning material

ii. practical tasks

iii. links for further exploration


Learners who compete the course and wish to obtain the Level 1 Certificate of ANARA Data Manager may participate in an individual post-course evaluation with the opportunity to demonstrate acquired skills and knowledge.

Course programme

Day 0, week 0: Pre-course Introduction

i. Introduction: outline and purpose, tutors, welcome message

ii. Practical task: exploring the online learning site and technical assistance

iii. For further exploration: ANARA brochure and introductory video

Day 1, week 1: Assisted Reproductive Technology in Africa

i. Learning material:
   a. The importance of ART in Africa
   b. Regional reproductive networks: AFFS, GIERAF, ANARA
   c. The importance of ART registry data

ii. Practical task: Navigating the ANARA website

iii. For further exploration: WHO website and infertility fact sheet, African Charter on People’s and Human Rights

Day 2, week 1: What data does ANARA collect?

i. Learning material: Registry core data, data harmonization and data protection

ii. Practical task: Navigating the Registry log in and home page

iii. For further exploration: International Glossary and ANARA manual

Day 3, week1: Methods of data capture

i. Learning material:
   a. One Registry, two feet (Direct and excel based entry mode)
   b. Pre-submission preparation of data

ii. Practical task: How to capture a fresh cycle and handle error messages

iii. For further exploration: to be confirmed

Day 4, week 1: Synchronous learner-tutor interaction: 60min Zoom session

Day 5, week 2: Registry indicators and how to capture other procedures

i. Learning material: Registry indicators of quality ART

ii. Practical task: How to enter FET and FTO cycles

iii. For further exploration: ANARA tips and tricks

Day 6, week 2: Data submission

i. Learning material: ANARA Call for data: what it means and how to respond

ii. Practical task: How to effect final data submission

iii. For further exploration: to be confirmed

Day 7, week 2: How can I engage with the Registry data?

i. Learning material: The post-submission life of data

ii. Practical tasks: How to use the interactive data domain of the Registry

iii. For further exploration:
   a. ANARA 5-year Trend Analysis
   b. Latin American ART Registry: 30-year anniversary publication