Free access to the Registry data software is provided to network participants. Access is password protected and no centre can ever see the data from another centre.
ANARA has its own data software donated by the Latin American Registry of ART. The software collects cycle-based data and is built on 25 years of experience in regional ART data collection
Data entry and submission is easy. It is supported by user-friendly explanations and hands-on help from the ANARA operational team. Other data collection systems which may be in place in some centres can usually be made compatible with the ANARA software.
Data can be entered into the program throughout the year. The Registry stores and protects the data. Confidentiality and data anonymity is strictly maintained, regarding both patients’ anonymity and that of the centre itself.
Each year’s data pool is analysed at the end of the following year after the deliveries have been recorded.
ANARA conducts workshops in Africa to strengthen our network and spirit of collaboration; and to build capacity in data collection.
ANARA is a modelled after the successful Latin American Network and Registry for Assisted Reproductive Technology (RLA), the first multinational ART registry founded in 1990.